Schedule of Rates Reference Data
The Schedule of Rates reference data window can be accessed by navigating to Functions > Schedule of Rates > SOR.
Note: You must have a role with the ScheduleOfRatesReferenceData permission to access this window.
Refer to Manage Reference Data for further information on using reference data screens.
The following reference data is available:
Use this reference data to define different types of rate (for example: Standard Rate).
The fields on the Rate Types grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Description | A description of the rate type. |
Cost Name1 to CostName3 | Labels for the cost types (for example: Labour, Material, Plant). |
Allow Composite | Whether the rate type can be used for a composite. |
Archive | Whether the rate type is archived. |
Use this reference data to define schedules of rates. Select a Rate Type from the drop-down list to display the Schedule of Rates.
Actions can be carried out using the menu accessed by right-clicking in the window or on an item.
Note: The options available are dependent on the type of item selected.
The menu allows you to do the following:
Add a new header, section or sub-section by selecting the relevant option under New. This displays the Schedule of Rate Item window, where you can enter a code and description for the item
Add a new rate item by navigating to New > New Rate Item - this displays the Schedule of Rate Item window.
The fields on the Schedule of Rates Item window are described in the following table.
Section | This field | Holds this information... |
General | Code | A user-defined code for the item. |
Description | A description of the item. | |
Monetary Values | <Cost Names 1-3> | The costs. These field names are defined by the selected rate type. |
Total Cost | The total costs. This is the sum of the preceding Cost Name fields. | |
Item Details | Unit | The unit of measurement. These can be defined in Measurement Unit Types reference data (accessed by navigating to Functions > Core > Reference Data > Core). |
Resource Values | Estimated Hours | The estimated time it will take to carry out the work in hours. |
- Edit the selected item by clicking the Modify option
Delete the selected item by clicking the Delete option
Note: If the item has been used on an estimate, it will not be deleted.
- Refresh the window using the Refresh option